MacQueen’s Bike Shop and Island Tours assumes no responsibility, however caused, for injury, loss or damage to person or property in connection with any service resulting directly from the following: acts of God, detention, annoyance, terrorism, thefts, pilferage, civil disturbances, government restrictions or regulations, strikes, delays and expenses arising from quarantine, failure of any means of conveyance to arrive or depart as scheduled, discrepancies or change in transit or accommodation services over which we have no control or other financial loss whether to persons or property arising out of certain risks and danger which may occur during your holiday, including but not limited to the hazards of activities in general. Our contract is for the transfer of bikes/passengers/baggage only. The traveler agrees that he/she will be present at designated pickup point for loading a minimum of 15 minutes prior to departure. Local cash payments are preferred, and should be presented to your driver on initiation of the service. Client delays are assessed a $50.00 + HST/hour supplement and must be notified in advance to MacQueen’s. Drivers will wait up to 30 minutes at designated pickup locations, after which shuttle + 30 minute delay charges + HST may be processed in full on the client credit card, and passengers will be considered no-show, releasing the driver to return to their point of origin.