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IMPORTANT NOTE: Traveling with others but prefer to pay separately? MacQueen's accepts a minimum of 1 room/maximum of 1 credit cardholder per booking. Ex: we don't split the payment of a double occupancy room, even if it's being occupied by 2 singles sharing. Each party (minimum 1 room per booking) should request their quote individually, but make reference to each other in the comments so that we quote the same itinerary/dates and have that in mind if all proceed to book simultaneously. To maximize the possibility that those services can be secured for multiple individual bookers, it's important to coordinate submission of participants' forms in a timely manner. Some of our clients prefer convenience/potential insurance benefits of separate payment arrangements and are fully aware that separate bookings are typically more expensive than a group option. Thanks for taking these factors into account before requesting your detailed travel proposal.

Personal Info

Last Name *
First Name *
Email *
Email Confirmation *

Tour Information

Riding Ability
# of travelers *
# of rooms *

Room 1

Adults *
Children *
Infants *
Bed Preference/room (specify)

Room 2

Adults *
Children *
Infants *
Bed Preference/room (specify)

Room 3

Adults *
Children *
Infants *
Bed Preference/room (specify)

Room 4

Adults *
Children *
Infants *
Bed Preference/room (specify)

Room 5

Adults *
Children *
Infants *
Bed Preference/room (specify)

Room 6

Adults *
Children *
Infants *
Bed Preference/room (specify)

Room 7

Adults *
Children *
Infants *
Bed Preference/room (specify)

Room 8

Adults *
Children *
Infants *
Bed Preference/room (specify)

Room 9

Adults *
Children *
Infants *
Bed Preference/room (specify)

Room 10

Adults *
Children *
Infants *
Bed Preference/room (specify)

Type of Rental Bike(s)

# of travelers bringing their own bike(s)
Deluxe Hybrid
Road Bike (downturned bars)
Youth Bike
Child trailer

Add-on Accessories (only available if using MacQueen's rental bikes)

Helmet (included)
Lock (1 provided per every 2 bikes)
Handlebar/Trunk bag
Touring Panniers (35 L)
Emergency repair kit (1 provided per booking)
Delta phone holder
Cyclotron (phone holder + battery pack)
Clipless pedals

Arrival / Tour Dates

Arrival Date *
Start Date *
End Date *
# Tour Nights
Pre/Post Tour Accommodation:
How will you travel to & from PEI?

Preferred Cycle Tour 

Select Preferred Cycle Tour *
Optional for Island Walk by Bike & Confederation Trail tours only:

Travel Goals (Looking for Adventure, Family, Romance, Culture, Laid Back, Fancy, Honeymoon, Anniversary arrangements? The more details you provide, the better we’ll understand your needs and vision.)

Notes & Comments (Customized Tour Details, Health conditions, Allergies, Dietary Requirements, Bed Configuration, Special Requests)

If you want to share your itinerary proposal with travel companions, complete Name/Last Name/Email for each person